#vice housewarden friendship !
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pomefioredove · 6 months ago
😭😭 Please make more hcs of yuu's admiration club plss it's so cute and I ended up reading it so fast 💔💔 feel free to delete or not reply!<3
original post (riddle, leona, azul, vil)
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ Yuu Admirer Club! 2
type of post: headcanons characters: jamil, idia, malleus additional info: romantic or platonic, reader is gender neutral, reader is yuu, ortho's part is strictly platonic
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Kalim has never been one to ask for permission
Jamil's whole life at school is centered around adapting to Kalim's chaos
but this isn't chaotic
it's... quiet. too quiet
it takes him all of ten minutes to realize Kalim isn't in the dorm
of course, Jamil has his suspicions...
he's had his own little fantasies about running away with you
I mean WHAT who said that
as much as he'd like to enjoy the peace and quiet for once,
he knows he'll get in trouble if anything happens
and knowing Kalim, something will happen
so, now, he's standing in Ramshackle's foyer, arms crossed
"what are you doing?"
Kalim is sitting on the floor, weaving friendship bracelets
"oh, I'm gonna stay here. I like it. look, I made you one, too!"
"you cannot stay at another dorm, you are the housew-"
hmmmm... wait a second
Jamil's whole disposition changes, and he smiles all big
"you know what? you deserve a break. I'll just take care of things at Scarabia while you're gone,"
he turns to you "keep him away from open flame."
Idia knows better than to worry when Ortho goes off on his own
I mean... he still does, but he knows not to
it's just a few hours... just a few hours...
but it's getting dark now, and Ortho's been radio-silent
completely blipped off the map...
Idia slips into his computer chair and starts going through the security cam feed
courtyard is empty, classrooms are dark, even the- what's that?
a familiar electric blue glow is coming from...
he switches between cams to get a good look
and it's Ortho... and you
having some kind of mock tea party with empty cups. some stuffed animals, a few other first years, even Grim is there...
Idia snorts
but... the more he thinks about it...
no. no, he cannot be jealous of his little brother playing toys with the prefect
that would be pathetic. even for him...
still, he can't help but envy Ortho's social skills
maybe, if he could actually talk to you, his yuu admiring club wouldn't have to be an account he secretly runs and folder on his computer...
it's unusually quiet in Diasomnia tonight
usually, Malleus would enjoy the stillness of the evening, but there's something quite eerie about it now
"Lilia... have you any idea of where Silver and Sebek are?"
the vice housewarden, upside-down, shrugs
how strange... Malleus cannot recall a time where Sebek has left him alone for more than a few hours
it's... worrying
of course, he goes to you first
not out of suspicion, but because few others could give him a coherent answer while trembling with fear
when you open Ramshackle's door, there you are... and there's Silver... and Sebek...
both asleep in the foyer behind you
what a sight
you explain that some of the boys had started a "Yuu Admirer Club" and surprised you with an impromptu meeting
a sour look crosses Malleus' face
"don't be mad at them, it's my fault. I didn't have the heart to wake them," you say.
"oh, I'm not upset that they've decided to spend their time with you. I understand completely. I am, however, a little upset that I was not invited to this "Yuu Admirer Club"."
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threeofclubss · 1 month ago
trey clover and responsibilities; a meta after his book 7 dream
[spoilers for jpn server book 7 content ahead!]
as the eldest brother trey has always been the 'responsible' one. but his wish is to live in peace, to never have expectations thrust onto him (hence his constant downplaying) but instead to use his passion and skill (baking), which is the one thing he doesn't downplay, to make the people around him happy. to see them smile while eating his food, to 'grow', for him to be able to see them enjoy themselves and for himself to do what he enjoys without restrictions. yet as cater reveals, not only did riddle freeze him out after his excitement (which as you can imagine, was painful for trey, as if the childhood scolding wasn't enough trauma. ESPECIALLY as he sees riddle as like a, to quote him, 'younger brother' thus 'his responsibility'), but he was voted for vice housewarden as a result. all these responsibilities and expectations were thrust upon him when all he ever wanted was for riddle to be 'free', for everyone to get along, for him to be useful to others. and so trey gets a first row seat to riddle and all his changes and his struggles and his anger, and he's forced to take a role and he ends up taking one of an enabler, someone passive. he ends up 'painting over it' and scrambling for a sense of normalcy amidst all this, and as vice housewarden the blanket of duty he feels heavily falls on him -- trey has always put importance on responsibility and his image, like when he talks about upperclassmen needing to set a good example for their juniors. and so he suppressed his own emotional turmoil and focused only on those around him, on sorting out trouble and pacifying riddle, while ignoring his own feelings on the matter and refusing to take a stand.
all this culminates into the overblot, and trey's book 7 dream with chenya as the dorm leader says it all -- trey wanted somebody to understand him. he wanted someone who knew he would have a tough time, who not just knew but understood his past with riddle and could help him through it, to not just alleviate him from responsibility but enable him to take a role where he thrives best. he needed somebody to rely on. for once, to not be the one being relied on. cater came the closest but cater also mentioned that he kept his distance (their friendship is a whole other can of worms) and trey isn't the type to confide, either. the 3 heartslabyul senpais are a concoction of things unsaid, and so comes ace and deuce and heartshackle to give it to them straight -- leading to the overblot, but also recovery. and so in the dream trey is once again, as leona aptly implied, putting himself in a position where 'he can help grant riddle's wish' or rather he can help riddle in finding freedom from his mother (in this case through sweets), in a bid to wrestle control where in reality he constantly felt helpless to say no or to stand up to riddle. and by thinking of it as something he can control, he indirect puts more responsibility onto himself in reality, despite never having wanted it. so he's stuck in this place where it's emphasised how in 'real life' trey has expectations and responsibilities he never wanted. he never got to have his peaceful life.
and in his dream, it's the exact opposite; the responsibilities he has are ones he chose/wants, and at the same time, he has his peaceful life. he makes those around him happy, and in turn, he is happy too.
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riddlerosehearts · 2 months ago
god i love how the twst novel characterizes trey and particularly what it does with his enabling of riddle's tyranny, how it uses this aspect of trey as a parallel to yuuya's intense anxiety and fear of confrontation and uses both of their characters to emphasize the consequences of avoiding conflict, and how you have to overcome that fear in order to do what's right, it's so fascinating to me and since i'm sure there are a lot of fans who haven't read the novel i wanna talk about it.
see, yuuya is written as someone who is so, so afraid of conflict that he doesn't let himself get close to anyone or even have any hobbies--he says he doesn't want to risk fighting with friends over a difference of opinion, and he's also afraid of finding something he's so passionate about that he doesn't want to let go of it, and having to fight to protect it. he practically avoids really living because he's just too scared of having to deal with any potential confrontation. throughout the novel there are times when yuuya wants to tell ace and deuce to stop fighting but can't get himself to say anything, and times when they ask him for his opinion but he avoids giving it so he won't have to upset anyone by picking a side. even when ace starts telling riddle off and calling him a tyrant at the unbirthday party, and everyone else is saying that ace is wrong, yuuya just stands there and does nothing--he knows he should have his friend's back but he freezes up, too terrified to speak.
and then trey... this will probably get a little long, so i'll put it under a read more, but oh, trey.
in book 1 of the game, when riddle has some poor student collared for not wearing pink to feed the flamingos, he tells trey and cater to escort the student away and they both just say "yes housewarden" and do it. in the novel, we have this additional moment:
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notice how trey does not say this is okay, but he also doesn't exactly say it isn't. he doesn't really share an opinion on the situation at all, he just says there's nothing he can do, and then thinks to himself that he can't afford to think about it, can't risk letting riddle be pushed over the edge.
this is when ace, deuce, yuu, and grim then come in to ask trey about his friendship with riddle. in the game, grim asks him why he hasn't told riddle off already, given that he's the older of the two, and trey states that he doesn't think the situation calls for it because "these sorts of strict rules are what created riddle". but in the novel, it's deuce who asks trey "i know you're the vice housewarden, but you're older than riddle, right? wouldn't the housewarden listen to his elder?", and the way trey's response goes is a little different, with grim saying he must be scared of riddle and trey once again (well, twice actually) saying that he can't do anything about the situation:
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he tells the rest of the group all about how riddle's parents are famous magical healers, how his mother planned out every single aspect of his life for him, how he obeyed every rule she set and had his signature spell mastered by age 10, and how riddle genuinely believes that the enforcement of strict rules is a service to his dorm members and he sees the violation of those rules as an inexcusable offense. grim wonders why this is and yuuya realizes the following, which is also a perfect explanation of why trey believes that standing up to riddle about his overly strict attitude would be rejecting him: "if riddle accepts that rules can be broken, then that's basically a rejection of his own self. because he was created by rules".
in both the game and the novel, trey then mentions that he knows how hard riddle's life has been and says he just can't bring himself to hold riddle's way of doing things against him, to which ace responds by telling him "so it's YOUR fault riddle is like this". but in the novel, yuuya is surprised because he didn't think trey bore any responsibility, and trey's response to the question of "you always thought what his parents did to him was wrong, didn't you?" is described like this:
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it's very similar to the various descriptions throughout the book of yuuya desperately wanting to speak up but being unable to get the words out whenever there's any sign of conflict. clearly trey, like yuuya, is afraid, not necessarily of riddle himself but of having to hurt his friend by telling him he's doing something wrong, and in the novel ace calls him out on that:
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(the dialogue at this part of the game is largely the same, but the sentences between "that's pathetic" and "you guys are supposed to be friends" are brand new).
and then, trey's response, or lack thereof is very telling:
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what ace says to trey here even prompts yuuya to apologize to ace for not standing up for him before, because he empathizes with trey. he understands trey's inability to stop riddle, his fear of rocking the boat, the desire to avoid causing a conflict and upsetting his friend no matter what else happens, because it's exactly what he's been afraid of for his whole life. and as a result yuuya feels ashamed of himself and believes that ace was right to push trey the way he did. in response, ace tells yuuya that it's okay for him to not want to force himself into fights because, unlike trey, at least yuuya will tell ace if he thinks he's wrong.
but that's not enough for yuuya, who decides that he has to finally, finally stand up for ace and deuce when riddle has them collared and everyone is cheering for riddle during the duel. he walks right through the crowd and tells riddle that he doesn't even care who's wrong or right, he just wants the fighting to stop. it's a simple thing, but it's such a difficult step for him to take.
for trey, we know how this goes--just like in the game, he intervenes when riddle summons rose bushes to attack ace, because seeing his friend almost become a murderer is where he draws the line. in the novel, he also tells riddle that if this doesn't stop he'll only end up more and more alone. he reaches his hand out to his friend and tries to urge him to calm down.
of course, none of this goes the way either of them expected, and in the novel cater tries to get yuuya to agree that they should run from the danger of fighting riddle, but neither he nor trey will yield. so all of our main heartslabyul boys and ramshackle join together to find a way to win. and right after trey uses his magic to save cater from riddle, we get this dialogue:
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and while what trey says after riddle escapes from his overblot state is basically the same as it is in the game, i think the description of his actions here is lovely:
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and it may seem like a simple thing, to just be honest with a friend, but it's such a big step for trey to finally take with riddle, after spending so much time enabling his harmful behavior out of an incredibly flawed sense of loyalty toward him.
in the end, yuuya realizes that his way of living, spending his life stubbornly avoiding confrontation, had kept him from being able to make friends. similarly trey being so afraid of upsetting riddle that he hid his true feelings and let him do whatever he wanted, kept him from being able to be a true friend to him. they both learn to finally be brave enough to take action and to be honest with themselves and others, but yuuya mainly needed to learn the value of standing up for your friends while trey had to learn how important it is to stand up to them when necessary.
yuuya also says, after ace and deuce call him stubborn and opinionated, that he may have just hated bending his own principles more than he wanted to have friends, which i find really interesting because essentially part of yuuya's arc is to stop avoiding forming relationships with others for the sake of his principles, because true friends will have each other's backs even if they don't always agree on everything. and then part of trey's arc is to stop bending his principles for the sake of his relationship with riddle, because true loyalty goes hand-in-hand with honesty. and while i feel like you could figure a lot of this out about trey just by reading between the lines a bit in-game, i love how the novel really brings it to the forefront by making their arcs parallel each other like this.
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caitchercatlady · 5 months ago
He'll Have to Go Through Me
-Diasomnia Version
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Malleus Draconia
You would think that once your secret friendship with Malleus became public that no one would dare to lay a word or finger on you again. Malleus made his point to being a pacifist a couple of times, but if the time were to cal for it, Malleus will not hesitate to lay down the law. You and Hornton adore some peaceful evening walks to clear your heads.
On this night, you ask Hornton to relax together in the field, to which Malleus was more than willing to do as long as it's with you laying next to him. You two are laying in the grass when a duo of students also enjoying the night see you and utter the word "weakling" as if it was the most common word in their personal dictionaries. They learn quickly to shut up as a lightning bolt lands a little too close for comfort, causing them to run off like bats out of Hell.
"These humans get too bold for their own good. Rest assured, Child of Man, I will never let this boldness be to your detriment. If you are ever bothered again, promise me that you will seek my assistance, will you?"
You promise Malleus, and he is more than glad to guide you back to Ramshackle safely. If Malleus had his way, he would stay with you for as long as he saw fit, but when you told him that you'd be fine sleeping in your dorm tonight, Malleus respectfully lets you go until the next day.
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Lilia Vanrouge
Ever since you piqued Lilia's interest, he's been aware of your every vibration. On one night, he senses something off coming from Ramshackle, so he has to pause his video game session to transport to your dorm. From a tree in the distance, he sees that Ramshackle is under a classic egging attack from a couple of dunces. Oh, this veteran is not going to accept this, regardless of how harmless the act is compared to what Lilia had to deal with throughout his life.
He poofs himself to another tree closer to the house and spooked the riff raff from continuing their "prank." The delinquents try to stand up to the Diasomnia Vice Housewarden, but Lilia doesn't move an inch.
"You're right. I can't do anything about it, but I best believe that the Headmage would get a real good laugh once I tell him this funny tale tomorrow morning. He would find it so funny that he would love to invite you to his office and talk to you about it. What do you think? Should I go do that, boys? Should I?"
Not wanting to argue with Lilia further, the riff raff make a complete dash for the hills. Lilia magically clears the egg aftermath out of existence. He spots you watching the entire show from your bedroom window. Lilia kindly winks before vanishing back to Diasomnia.
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As aloof as Silver may be, his training since childhood isn't all for naught when it comes to keeping the peace at Night Raven. He's spending his lunch period, napping in the garden, when he is woken up to loud bantering from the other side. Silver spots you being cornered by a couple of his own dormmates, poking some fun at he school's lay person. You say something one of them doesn't like, and that hoodlum gets angry enough to use magic on you, hoping to put you in your place.
At the speed of light, Silver blocks the spell from touching you with his wand. The dormmates are terrified to see one of Malleus's righthand men intervening. In fact, Silver threatens to inform the Housewarden and the Vice Housewarden of their misdeeds if they refuse to leave the Prefect alone.
After they run off, Silver turns around and hugs you close to him as he could. He tells you that everything is okay. He senses that you want to let out something but can't.
"Let out a cry, Prefect. It is not courageous to keep your fears inside. I'll be right here to blow those fears away, so cry as you must. Cry it all out."
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Sebek Zigvolt
Though Sebek's life goal is to serve Malleus for the rest of his living life, part of that position is also protecting all who Malleus cares about. That happens to include the Prefect, much to Sebek's chagrin. His loyalty to Malleus is put to the test as he's making his track runs during P.E. class.
You are just doing your best to make the track time when a couple of chuckleheads think it's funny to push you down into the grass. Sebek's blood boils at this. To avenge you, he uses his baton wand to trip the bullies onto the ground as he's sure that will catch their attention. Sebek berates the heathens and demands they apologize to you. The bullies scoff, but that only makes Sebek's wand grow brighter.
"I don't announce my commands twice. Apologize...NOW!"
The bullies quickly apologize (though their sincerity is questionable) and they run off away from you both. You are pleasantly surprised at Sebek's generous and noble deed to the point of tears. You hide your face in Sebek's P.E. uniform. The half croc fae's face reddens in embarrassment, but he reminds himself that this is for Malleus to see his worth. Although the thanks from you doesn't hurt much either.
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octavinelle-oyster · 8 months ago
the vice housewardens with a kuudere reader who smiles around them for the first time? 🙇‍♀️
Characters : Trey, Jade, Jamil, Rook
Type : Headcanon, fluff
Info : gn reader, pre-established friendship Trey and Jade, Jamil could be read as pre-established friendship as well or pining, Rook is Rook
One smile and you use my heart against me ~Eva Simmons
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Trey Clover
The two of you were secluded in the privacy of Heartslabyul’s kitchen, preparing an abundance of various pastries for the unbirthday party the next day.
Rule 347 clearly states that one must be in the kitchen at all times whist the oven is in use. Of course, while the oven was on, Trey was in the kitchen.
You had joined him an hour ago. Helping him mix up batter or prepping filling for tarts, occasionally taste testing here and there.
The two of you had fallen into a nice rhythm.
Mix up the crust for the tarts, pop it in the oven, prep the next crust, start on the filling, retrieve the cooked crust and replace it with the prepped one, and repeat.
The output in which Trey was making tarts had doubled since you joined him in the warm kitchen.
Yeah, that was it. The kitchen must have been warm. That's why he felt his cheeks grow hot at the sight of a small smile adorning your face as you scooped a spoonful of strawberry filling and brought it to your lips.
He didn't make a big deal out of it. Taking a mental screenshot of your blissful face and turning back to the oven.
He could only hope to see that look on your face again.
Maybe he could be the cause of a smile on your face instead of some mushed fruit next time.
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Jade Leech
The botanical gardens of the prestigious school was nothing short of extraordinary.
The vast collection of herbs and plant life alike tended to easily wow many interested in botany.
Jade would easily maneuver around the various limbs that stretched too far out and into the path as well as a loin’s tail peeking out from under some foliage. Leading you to the back corner of the green house.
For the normal person, this would mean certain death. The Jade Leech leading someone anywhere secluded meant trouble.
But your biggest concern would be for your ears after listening to the teenager ramble about the assorted fungi in his collection.
Soon the two of you were in front of varied terrariums.
Jade picked up and even opened a few of the glass chambers as he poked and prodded at mushrooms. All whilst explaining their deadly qualities with a growing grin on his face.
His eyes would dart to yours as he went on about the symptoms of death cap mushroom poisonin.
“The signs of death cap mushroom poisoning include the following, low blood pressure, nausea, and–”
When his eyes locked with yours he wasn't expecting a grin on your face.
“–vomiting.” He quickly finished his explanation, his eyes lingering on your lips as they curved up.
A sight he didn't see often. His own lips became more upturned as he glanced away placing his beloved terrarium back where it was previously sat on a shelf with his name tied to it.
If he knew his own grin was so contagious he might let a genuine expression grace his lips more often.
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Jamil Viper
His shoes squeaked across the court as he tried to keep up with the ball a few people ahead of him.
All this moving and straining was causing his left arm to cramp, pain shooting up and down his arm every time he so much as brushed it against someone.
“Sea snake!” was the only warning he got when Floyd sent the ball to him. Bouncing the ball across the ground in one swift motion to get to point a from point b.
Jamil reacted fast, palming the basketball with his left hand. He had to react fast. Being just a second too short could cost them the whole game.
He just wished Floyd wasn't always so rough on the court.
He was being chased across the floor as he dribbled the ball, aiming to go straight to the opposite team’s net and hopefully score enough points to get this over soon.
Were you watching him?
Jamil faintly remembered seeing your face in the crowd. Maybe he could catch a glance of your face if he was quick-
He hadn’t expected to see your lips turned up, even your eyes squinting. A genuine smile from you had rendered him enamored.
You’re smiling.
And the ball wasn't in his hands anymore.
Just like that, an RSA student stole the ball from him seconds before he was about to shoot.
Though, it didn't get very far. Another NRC student quickly got it back, scoring for the team.
Hopefully, you weren't watching him too closely to notice his eyes darting to you periodically throughout the game in the hope of catching you smiling again.
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Rook Hunt
He didn't think you’d catch him sitting in the tree you always sat under during break.
With all the times he’d manage to watch over you, memorize your schedule, alter his daily paths just to catch a glimpse of you.
He didn't think you’d notice him.
It's better to watch from a distance.
Beautiful things are fragile, but Rook was often quick with his advances. He could easily bump you too hard and break you like a glass vase holding flowers.
When you came to a rest under the familiar branches lush with leaves, he watched.
He watched as you plucked flowers from the ground or scrolled aimlessly on your phone, his eyes locked on you as he sat perched among the tree’s limbs.
He let out a sigh. Maybe it was the peaceful atmosphere that had him so relaxed. Or maybe you were just nice to look at.
When you turned around and gazed upwards, a look of shock showed on your face before it melted down to a hesitant smile.
Sure, one-half of your lips were more upturned than the other, and maybe your eyebrows creased with a questioning look.
But it even caught the Rook Hunt off guard with the expression on your usually deadpan face.
He felt his own lips growing into a grin as he rested his hand on his palm, his elbow resting against his propped knee.
“Ah, hello de toute beauté~”
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First official post holy fuck
I hope you like this🙏 Ik I didn't do all the vice housewardens but I wanted to get something posted and I currently have two other things in my inbox-
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theolivetree123 · 4 months ago
◇ Yuuki's Intro ◇
More info below!
◇ Basic Info ◇
Age: 18 years old
Height: 170cm
Birthday: June 4th
Sexuality: Demiromantic, Asexual, Pansexual, Non-Binary
Nicknames: YuYu (Yumei and Hana), Henchman (Grim), Shrimpy (Floyd)
Dominant Hand: Left
Dorm: Ramshackle
Grade: 1st Year
Favorite Food: Ramen
Least Favorite Food: Toast
Likes: Video games, silence, cats, the smell of pastries, knives
Dislikes: Darkness, being alone, sudden loud noises, knives
Best Subject: N/A
Club: Art Club
Hobbies: Drawing, painting, playing video games
Homeland: Japan in the mid-2000s
Family: unnamed mother, father, sister and brother
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◇ Before NRC ◇
Warning for mention of attempted suicide and bullying !!
Yuuki had no friends in their old school. There, they would be either ignored or harassed by their classmates due to their odd interests, leading to Yuuki becoming shy and reserved. It didn't help that Yuuki couldn't find comfort in their family, either, as their mother would excuse Yuuki's bullying to just be “their way of thinking” and tell them to ignore them, their siblings would call Yuuki “weird” and even “crazy” due to their liking of knives and horror media, and their dad was almost never home, always working long shifts.
All of this stress over years upon years finally pushed Yuuki over the edge, and on one cold, December night, Yuuki attempted to end their life. After stealing a knife from the kitchen, Yuuki made their way to the middle of the woods, not wanting anyone to see them as they took their life. As they stabbed themselves in the stomach, a black carriage sped towards them, and Yuuki fell unconscious.
The next thing they knew, they fell out of a coffin, feeling strangely fine. No stab wound or anything. Yuuki quickly fled the room, panicking about where they were. And as they fled the building, they looked up at the campus before them.
“Where the hell am I?!?”
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◇ Relationships ◇
Grim & Ramshackle Ghosts: Yuuki and the residents of Ramshackle's relationship are very similar to how it is in twst canon, though Yuuki is still a bit frightened by the ghosts. Grim often has to rope Yuuki in with him when he wants to do something, as Yuuki is extremely cautious about almost everything.
Hana: As (technically) vice housewarden of Ramshackle, Yuuki respects Hana and treats her well. Yuuki sees Hana as somewhat of a mother figure, as Hana is older and wiser than them and tends to keep Grim and Yumei out of trouble.
Yumei: Yuuki doesn't like Yumei that much, as she's very outgoing and bubbly. Though Yumei tries to get along with Yuuki, sometimes they just don't click. However, Yuuki still appreciates Yumei and sees her as a sister.
Ace & Deuce: Yuuki appreciates Ace and Deuce due to them being able to push Yuuki out of their comfort zone and being their first friends. Though, Yuuki sometimes feels like a third wheel, always taking a backseat while Ace and Deuce bicker.
Idia: Being the one who supplies and plays video games with Yuuki, Idia is one of Yuuki's best friends. They always get along, even having sleepovers sometimes specifically to play video games. Yuuki feels seen when talking to Idia, as they were mocked for liking video games and anime.
Vil: As one of the people to help him overcome his overblot, Yuuki is quite dear to Vil. Even though they don't have much in common, the two still talk and hang out sometimes. Yuuki still feels somewhat strange about Vil being friends with them since he's such a popular figure, but Vill assures Yuuki that they can still be friends no matter how popular he is. While Yuuki only sees a friendship, Vil seems to want something more. Though Vil acts casual around Yuuki, he still has a tiny crush on them.
◇ Relationship Charts ◇
With some of my mutual's OCs !
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◇ Gallery ◇
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◇ Miscellaneous Facts ◇
Yuuki has Autism and ADHD
Yuuki doesn't like being around knives
When Yuuki feels sad, they sometimes paint on the walls of Ramshackle
Yuuki covers up their self-harm scars regularly. Only Grim and the Ramshackle ghosts have seen them
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libraryraccoon · 1 year ago
If I was at NRC as a normal student (not Yuu)
If I was in the NRC, i will be a Ignihyde Student (bc the official test tell me I was a Ignihyde student), the extrovert or ambivert of Ignihyde.
Aka the Ignihyde student hated by all the other Ignihyde student :DD
I will try to adopt Ortho.
Raccoon : Sign just here.
Ortho : isn't it a adopt pap-
Raccoon : shhh, you don't need to know or say what it is. Sign just. :)
Idia seeing me trying to adopt legally his little (dead and robot) brother : What the fuck-
I will be here for the Overblots.
But not for help, oh no no !
Ace : What is it ?
Raccoon : pop corn.
Deuce : Why are you eating pop corn when there is an overblot in front of you ?!
Raccoon : because it's better to watch with pop corn ? I thought everyone know that.
I would be absent from sports class. Vargas met me once in the corridors but that's it. I would never have shown up to this (torture) class.
I'm pretty sure Vargas won't even know I exist.
Vargas : Raccoon ? We have someone here who have that name ?
Jack : it's maybe the raccon that is in the trash at the back of the school ?
Ace : Oh yeah, I have seen that little guy once. But why he will be on the call list ?
(They are talking about a real raccoon, not me-)
I will doxx people for money. It's said.
Hey, I need to make money you know ? And I don't have a Leona for that like Ruggie-
Oh yeah because Ruggie will be my best friend here.
(We are the NRC cleaners, Crowley pays us to do all the cleaning)
I have seen a post saying that some beastmens and faes are awake the night and go see each others, even if I will be a human, I will join them.
Like that I will meet (and have informations) on a lot of beastmens and faes.
(Me ? Later blackmail them about this ? Please, be realistic, I care about my life ! But for a little money....)
I will be the only Ignihyde student and maybe human that will be at that "night party" (we will call it like that), and it's because I was invite by Ruggie (bestfriends benefits).
Now, for some of my hc as Ignihyde students, I headcanon that all the Ignihyde student have one time by months a party on a game with all the dorm.
And during that party, they do a lot of challenges. And that leads to some Drama and rivalry.
I'm pretty sure it's at that party that we decided who will be the Housewarden and Vice Housewarden.
The Housewarden being the 1st and vice the 2nd.
And some others things :
•I will be the NRC therapist.
I'm a good listener and I give good advices.
Pretty sure Crowley tried to hire me after finding out.
That mean I will be the therapist of all the overblotter (oh look ! I have now a lot of ennemies because I talk bad about their family/what they think-).
I would use the excuse of being a school therapist to avoid doing sports. At least I have an excuse and I won't have repercussions for (skipping) being absent from sports class.
Bye bye Vargas ! Seeing you one time in the corridors was enough for me !
•I probably would have made a contract with Azul and I would have taken Ruggie to do one too (well, that's if he and I are in first year at the same time).
Why ? For money ofc.
We will work for the Mostro Lounge only for the money.
•I will avoid the Leech (well, try to avoid them).
They scared me.
How people can not have scare of them is a question without answer for me.
•I will be hate of Vil and Riddle (even if we don't count the therapist part).
I have a bad memory, i don't care about my physic.
I can easily forget the rules, so Riddle will hate me for forget all the Queen rules but also all the NRC rules in general.
And I can literally go shopping in unicorn pajamas. Vil worst nightmare.
��Rook 🤝🏻 Me : watching people.
Nothing else to say here. It explain all by itself.
•Unexpected friendship : Me & Idia & Rook.
Every Sunday evening at the end of the week we would meet up at the Pomefiore or Ignihyde dorm and tell each other all the NRC gossip. We would have tea, cookies, popcorn and hot chocolate, and lots of gossip to be told.
Nobody in the NRC know how much we know or how we know it. They don't want to know.
•My magic.
I will have an healing magic or a anti-magic. That's all.
I don't need more magic than those two.
•I will try to adopt Grim.
Maybe Yuu too. I just want to adopt them + Ortho because they deserved all the love.
I will have a gun.
I love gun.
•Knowing too much.
If I go at NRC, even with magic, with all I know of the game and the theories ? Man, I will be the more suspicious of the all NRC, more than Rook !
I will say things like that :
Raccoon : Man, you really is an overblotter now that I see you that often !
Crowley : ??? How do you know-
Raccoon : you're dad, Levan, is Crowley. Good chance bro, we're not together in that shit-
Malleus : The fuck child of men-
Raccoon : what that feel like to be a general ?
Lilia : kid, why that question and how do you know ? I don't remember saying it to you-
Raccoon : when will you accept that you are Silver, Sebek and Malleus parental figure ?
Lilia : ... i'm not-
Raccoon : wait- we are before Malleus overblot, so that mean you are still in the denial right now.
Lilia : by the great sevens.. WHAT THE FUCH RACCOON ?!-
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Me, Idia and Rook the Sunday.
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yuumcbr · 9 months ago
Seven, give me one more chance!!
Hey how's it going? This is the first time I write a story, finish it and post it.
SUMMARY: Leona died in the Overblot, Crowley asks you to use his unique magic "Seven, give me one more chance" and go back in time to save him. However, after many attempts you decide to go back in time much further and cancel the inter-bedroom games, even though Leona hates you for it.
WARNING: Time travel, Death, Overblot, open ending (my heart couldn't bear to write until the end), reader insertion, I don't use Y/N, reader is not Yuu, Reader is in Scarabia, Google Tradutor, mental fatigue for the reader, the reader needs a hug, possible Leona X reader, but it can be read as platonic , like creating a friendship that will last a lifetime, nothing too heavy, just angst without comfort.
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There were 58 attempts in a row and no breaks (ok, maybe you caught a few breaks, but you never took your goal out of your mind).
You approach Leona who is dead on the floor in a pool of dark paint.
No matter how many times you see this scene, it hurts worse than you remember the last time!
If you ask anyone, you've only known Leona for 3 days. And somehow you knew exactly everything that was necessary for him to let you stay by her side without stressing, but for you it wasn't like that...
You remember it like it was yesterday, you were excited because everyone on your team had recovered from the weird injuries that happened and would be able to play.
There were rumors among the students that the culprit of the recent "accidents" was Savanaclaw's vice-leader and that he followed his Housewarden's rules in doing so (you later discovered that Ruggie was not the vice-leader and that in fact, Savanaclaw there was no deputy leader).
Unfortunately, before the game started it was cancelled. You and everyone you knew were outraged by the idea.It didn't take long for you to discover that the leader of the King of Beasts' dormitory, the second prince of Sunset Savana, Leona Kingscholar had died.
And with all the companies that would share NRC's long-awaited dorm games all but talking about the death of Savanaclaw's housewarden, it didn't take long for Director Crowley to ask for his help again.
If there's anything you regret putting on your student resume, it was your unique magic, "Seven, give me one more chance!"
Your unique magic allowed you to go back in time a week, and be able to redo something that had happened.
At the beginning of the school year, Crowley asked you to save the housewarden Riddle Rosehearts from the same fate that Leona had suffered, you were rewarded for that and this time it would be no different.
So that Crowley could remember what he had promised, he engraved on a memory stone the promise of his reward and told him to engrave his failures on the stone every time he failed in his mission.
It wasn't because you could go back in time that you could get everything you wanted on the first try, when you saved Riddle, you had to use your unique magic twice before you managed to save him.
Riddle never knew you helped him, because for him. He had never even come close to overblotting.
Crowley promised you that every time you needed to use your unique magic he would pay you 10,000 madols.
Now, in the present you regretted making that deal. You approached Leona countless times until she literally learned exactly how to act around him, you became attached, you created bonds you thought you would never create.
Just to watch him die, over and over again. Attempt after attempt. And in each attempt, you see that he didn't remember anything you experienced.
You didn't care about the money anymore, all you wanted was for Leona to live or just turn into sand and die next to her.
No...You couldn't die, because when you died, Leona would no longer have any chance of living.
When did you start to care about him so much?You just wanted this all to end as you cried over Leona's dead body. Almost powerlessly, you took out the memory stone that Crowley had given you a long time ago.
And headmage who had arrived to see what the mess was about saw you holding her in tears.
"Fa...il 58"
Crowley approached, and saw that the memory stone was black when normally they are transparent.
Memory stones take on the color of the feelings of the memories they carry, and usually the colors are so faint that you need to look at them closely to see them.
It may not seem like it, but Crowley is a smart guy. He knows about his unique magic, he knows that he has already asked you to do several services for him, he knows that memory stones are difficult to get and he knows how many times he has given them to you for you to show him later.
Knowing this, it doesn't take much to connect the dots.
You were in a cycle of endless repetitions to do something he ordered, but from the color of the stone, he understood that you were suffering from it.
As much as he knew that several consequences would fall on him, Crowley knew when to give up, even though he had just discovered that he was on a mission to avoid this disaster.
"Let's stop here!" He spoke, placing a hand on your shoulder, only for you to look incredulous as you understood the meaning of his words.
"No…it's not over yet! I can continue…le..leave it to me!!" You said, your voice breaking and looking at him as if asking for permission, you would do it anyway.
If there's something you learned from your time with Leona that only you can choose when to give up, no one can do it for you, ever!
So you asked Crowley for a power-enhancing potion.
If it was his last attempt, you would throw all your cards on the table! You'd cancel inter-dorm games before they even started.
The first thing you feel when you wake up is your bed, it doesn't take you even 5 seconds to get out of bed, soon being struck by dizziness.
You take out your cell phone and look at the date and time, apparently you managed to go back long enough to prevent future events.
And just in case you fail, you may have had time to rest and try again.
After getting ready, you run to the building where Crowley's office is, you can't help but feel a wave of hope over your chest.
You barely knock on the door and go in (read that as opening the door with so much force that it makes a tremendous bang).
"Headmage, I bring news!!" You say smiling, then you stop and notice that Crowley was in the middle of a meeting with the housewardens.
"Kalim, you should have more control over the students in your dorm!" Vil says it as advice you find too oppressive.
"Uh...well!?" Kalim ends up having no reaction.
Riddle stares at you, "If you allow me, I can give you a proper punishment!"
Kalim looked embarrassed, it wasn't his intention to do this to his housewarden. And that ruins his good mood.
"Maybe before you scold the students in other people's dorms, you should take care of your own!" You say, taking a few steps forward to be able to communicate better.
It's not that you don't want to get out of there as quickly as possible and hide your head under the ground like an ostrich. You just don't like being told off by your dorm leader.
Kalim may not be the best, but unlike all the other housewardens, he has empathy and this makes him the best when it comes to helping the students in his dorm.
"Pomefiore students don't barge into important meetings without being invited and I dare say those from Heartsbyul are on a similar level!" Vil narrows his eyes at you.
"If a similar level you mean by blowing up the science lab almost every week and burning statues around. Of course!! You guys are amazing! Believe what you want, as long as you don't bother me or my housewarden!" You can see Vil sending you an extremely nasty look which you gladly send back, though Kalim flinches slightly in surprise.
Everyone knows that Rook is always doing new experiments in the science club and almost every week there is a new mess in the laboratory, not to mention that the fact that the statue of the Queen of Hearts was burned at the beginning of the year by students from Heartstabyul and Ramshackle will be remembered for ever.
"If I may" Azul gets everyone's attention dispelling the discussion "As much as I don't agree with this student's actions, don't you think you're missing something?"
"Something?" Crowley tries to remember, but was cut off by Idia's voice on her tablet.
"The student said he had news!" Idia said in a tired, slurred voice.
"The right!" Crowley remembered your entrance! "So tell me young man, what trouble do you bring me this time?" The headmage asked
The 'This time' didn't go unnoticed by the people in the room.
You looked at the housewardens, your gaze stopping a little longer than it should on Leona, he would hate you for that. Then you fixate on the one crow you started to hate with all your might and smile.
"We have to cancel the inter-dorm tournament!" You say in a tone that is way too serious for someone Kalim remembers that the day before he was super excited about making the official dorm team and that scares him.
Apparently he wasn't the only one shocked by the information, you can see Azul's glasses fall a little, Vil's eyebrows twitch, Riddle and Idia's gasp. And the slight twitching of Leona's ears.
Leona gets stressed and gets up from her seat, with her eyebrows furrowed and her tail flicking to one side and then the other. "You seem like quite an audacious herbivore, to just assume you can come in and say whatever you want, as if everyone will accept what you say with their heads bowed!"
You know that expression, and as much as he's a hunter threatening his prey, you can only manage a sly smile.
"And who said I need you or anyone to accept anything, your highness? You can have your say, but Crowley has the final say!" You say sarcastically looking at him.
You know you shouldn't irritate him more than he already is, but something in you knows you can handle it.
If Leona is going to hate him, you want to do it in the same way you did when he still "tolerated" you, as he used to say.
Leona didn't seem happy with her answer. Of course, who in their right mind would be?
"ENOUGH!!" Crowley screams and this makes Leona lower her ears a little at Crowley's scream for a moment.
"Young man, I want you to know that I can't just cancel the games for any reason!" Crowley approaches.
"Apparently the final decision really came from Crowley!" Vil speaks with a smile.
"Therefore!" Headmage walks over and puts a hand on his shoulder, "Give me the stone and I'll be canceling everything related to the games this year!"
"What's/Ah?" Everyone in the room (except you and the director) is shocked by the news.
Crowley knows about your unique magic and knows that you wouldn't suggest this crazy idea without his permission in some future timeline.
"Wait headmage!" Riddle stands up from his seat, "You can't cancel just because an unruly student suggested it!"
"Exactly!" It was Blue's turn to stand up, "We would incur a huge loss due to several breaches of contracts, I would appreciate it if you thought a little more about the matter!"
"I disagree! Overthinking will only make us fail again and we don't have that option!" You tell the director.
"Fail again?" The lion beastman next to you whispers as if trying to record this information.
Crowley on the other hand stares at you for a few seconds before speaking:
"Won't we get another chance?... How much of your magic did you use to accomplish your last task?!" The director looks scared, he finally pays enough attention to notice you don't have your pen.
You furrow your eyebrows, the amount of magic you used to save the second prince of Sunset Savannah almost made you go into overblot and the negative feelings building up weren't helping at all.
You simply keep your pen in a compartment inside your uniform, because you don't like looking in the mirror and seeing that pen with a stone that is practically black and obscured by the stain, with a hint of bright red (Before you start storing it) There you tried to convince yourself that this little red piece was your hope for a better future).
You look at him for a moment and put your hand in your pocket, taking out a small cloth bag inside which there were two memory stones, one black, where you kept your failures and the other yellow, where you kept the good moments of your past. and coming in time.
As the last few times Crowley looks at the black stone in amazement, you also know that the other housewardens who managed to see the stone know that it doesn't bring back good memories.
"If I really need to show this to someone to explain the reason for canceling the games, make sure it's someone who won't bother me later!" You give the stone to the director.
The director becomes serious, as far as he remembered, you were someone quite soft and lively. He understands that he must have asked for something difficult, so he just agrees.
"Wait, wait! So we're really canceling the games?" Reality finally sinks in for Kalim, he looks at you "You were so excited about this yesterday..."
You look at your housewarden, he was always a great mayor for Scarabia and always cheered you up when you were down, you know how excited he was for the games, but he also understands that he has to make a choice.
The games or LeonaAnd you know you would always choose Leona!
"Sorry Kalim-Senpai! That choice was the best we could find!" You bowed your head slightly in a sign of respect. "If you'll excuse me, class will start soon!" You bow towards the housewardens and Crowley as if you had never offended them and leave.
The room is silent for a while, everyone with their own thoughts.
Leona returned to her seat irritated and the meeting continued a little later."Headmage..." Azul called out to Crowley who focused on the housewarden. "That student gave you a memory stone as an explanation for canceling the games, right?"
During class, you didn't care about staying focused, because besides already knowing next month's material practically by heart, you couldn't get two faces out of your mind.
The first was that of his housewarden, Kalim Al-Asim. If you knew anyone who was excited for the games it was him.
Of course he may have forgotten about the games when Jamil, his deputy housewarden was injured just before the games started.
He had looked at you as if you had betrayed him. You kind of understand, since you remember that before all the mess started, you were one of the most excited people in Scarabia for the tournament.
And the second face was Leona's, his look was one of disgust, you had pulled the rug out from under her and all of Savanaclaw in less than five minutes.
Taking all your effort and planning down the drain You know you're going to get some angry looks over the next few months, and you know your mood is about to collapse.
You don't think isolating yourself is the best option, as it will make you anxious. But facing the stress of school and having multiple students on your tail would also be horrible.
Perhaps the best option is to go to Crewel-sensei and ask for help with your stain, he will probably give you a certificate and send you to the infirmary, which is a safe place to a certain extent.
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I probably won't continue, but feel free to imagine what will happen.
Don't feed my work to AI.
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frie-ice · 9 months ago
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This Disney Twisted Wonderland collage is a parallel comparison to showcase Ruggie Bucchi and the classic Disney villains that his character is based on upon and inspired from, Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed. In which has Ruggie be seen as their TWST counterpart in one single body. After seeing Tumblr posts of the TWST Housewardens and Vice-Housewardens being featured beside the original Disney characters that they represent, I wanted to do a series of collages that work on the same idea. Not just for the Dorm Heads, but also for the other TWST characters.
Ruggie is a hyena beastman and like the Hyena trio from the Disney film, Ruggie serves a lion who is Scar's TWST counterpart, Leona Kingscholar. Instead of including all three names of the hyena trio in the collage's title, I went with "Ruggyena." As I mentioned, Ruggie is a hyena beastman and is based upon the trio. I can assure you this isn't a ship collage, ship titles can be given to friendships and familyships as well.
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fungifanart · 1 year ago
Happy birthday?
Characters: Male reader, Yuu!reader, Trey Clover, Riddle Rosehearts, Cater Diamond, Ace Trappola, Deuce Spade
CW: Fluff, Trey Clover has negative rizz, but we love him anyway
Word count: 1,202
Notes: Hahahahaha, what do you mean this is three days late? Hahahahaha, no, it isn't! HAHAHAHAHA (I'm really trying here, guys.)
"It isn't even funny anymore." Cater says with a sigh.
"It’s pathetic, really." Ace says while shaking his head.
"I'm honestly embarrassed to call myself his friend right now." Riddle says while rubbing his temples.
"You can't be serious…" Deuce can hardly believe what he's hearing, "Trey STILL hasn't caught onto the Prefect’s feelings?!"
Deuce’s mouth goes wide as the three men shake their heads in disappointment, thoroughly gobsmacked at the raw obliviousness being displayed by his respected upperclassman.
It's almost impressive, in a way, to remain blissfully unaware of another person's romantic feelings for oneself for A MONTH.
The four men have seen it all at this point.
They've seen the Prefect go on shopping trips with Trey, help him in the kitchen, help with setup and cleanup of unbirthday parties and so much more, all while subtly flirting with the vice housewarden in hopes of catching his eye, but with little to no luck.
It had gotten to the point where one would think "Surely, he knows and is just willfully ignoring the other man's advances!"
But no.
After being indirectly questioned by Riddle, it's become exceedingly clear that the supposedly clever and thoughtful vice housewarden of Heartslabyul is simply unaware of the Prefect’s feelings. However, from that same conversation, they also learned that he actually harbors feelings of his own for the other man, but refuses to act on them out of fear of ruining their friendship.
'Great Seven, help these two.' Deuce remembers thinking.
Of course, Cater was quick to take up the mantle of wingman for these poor idiots, meanwhile Ace was quick to set up a betting pool on how long it would take for either the hopelessly dense Trey to catch on or for the hopelessly shy Prefect to actually confess, much to Riddle’s dismay. However, even Cater's counsel has proved ineffective and what was once daily entertainment for the Prefect’s friends has descended into a farce that is genuinely painful to watch.
However, not all hope is lost.
With Trey's birthday on the horizon, unbeknownst to both parties, the group has devised a last ditch effort to allow the two to reconcile their feelings for each other.
The day arrives and with it, the plan is set in motion.
While the main festivities are underway, Deuce works with Ace to set up a romantic dinner at a gazebo in one of the more secluded areas of the hedge maze and waits until the party is winding down to guide the Prefect to said gazebo while Cater and Riddle do the same for Trey from the other direction.
With their objective completed, Deuce and the others leave the two men to talk about their feelings.
Whatever happens next is out of their hands.
With his birthday festivities winding down, Trey can feel the fatigue of the day catching up with him and is planning to leave for his room, despite his disappointment at not being able to see the Prefect off as he’s seemingly left for Ramshackle by now.
However, as he’s turning to leave, he feels two hands on his shoulders.
“Uh-uh-uh, birthday boy! You’re not leaving just yet.” Cater says as Trey turns to see both him and Riddle.
“We have one last surprise for you. So we need you to come with us.” Riddle states matter-of-factly as the two men take him by the arms and lead him into the hedge maze.
"So, are you guys gonna tell me what's going on or…?" Trey asks after a few minutes of walking in silence.
Cater scoffs in response, "It wouldn’t be much of a surprise if we told you, now would it?"
"Don't worry, we're almost there." Riddle says as they round a corner where a trio of familiar voices can be heard.
Trey's eyes widen as he sees the Prefect being pushed around the opposite corner towards him by Ace and Deuce.
The two groups get closer and closer until they stop in front of a gazebo with a table that's laid out with food and several candles that create an almost ethereal atmosphere as the natural light from the sun retreats below the horizon.
"What is this?" Trey asks, slightly taken aback.
"Oh, nothing." Ace says innocently, "We just wanted to give you and the Prefect a nice place to spend some alone time. A little birdy told us you've got A LOT to talk about, after all."
Trey and the Prefect share a look of surprise as they're pushed towards the table as a sign to sit down, which they do, but not before Trey feels a hand on his shoulder again and hears Cater's voice whispering in his ear.
"Do NOT mess this up." Cater warns before the four other men leave them to their dinner.
A few minutes pass in awkward silence as the two men eat their food, not knowing what to talk about despite having 'A LOT to talk about' according to Ace.
Of course, it doesn't help that he's getting distracted by how beautiful the Prefect looks in this lighting.
"Uh, Trey? Is there something on my face?" The Prefect asks, causing Trey to realize that he was staring.
"U-uh, nope! You're fine!" Trey says while awkwardly looking away, hoping that the candlelight will obscure the growing pink on his cheeks.
More awkward silence passes as Trey recalls Cater's words and fights the urge to slam his forehead onto the table because he knows he's messing this up BAD.
That is, until the silence is finally broken by the Prefect sighing and looking into Trey's eyes, "Trey, there's…actually something I wanted to tell you." He says apprehensively.
"Oh, sure. Go ahead." Trey says while returning the eye contact.
"I see you. You know that, right?" The Prefect begins, "I see how much you care and how hard you work everyday to keep everyone happy. I see how seriously you take your baking and I can't help but admire it. I can't help but admire you."
Trey feels his heart flutter in his chest as the Prefect continues.
"But it's not just admiration. Our shopping trips and the time I spend helping you bake are always the highlights of my day and I've realized it's because I've spent that time with you, specifically."
Trey's eyes widen and he feels his face heating up as he realizes where the other man is going with this.
"I…think I want to spend a lot more time with you…because…" The Prefect hesitantly reaches his hand over to Trey's on the table, silently asking for permission, which Trey gives in the form of intertwining their fingers together, spurring the other man on to finish his sentence with a sincere smile, "Trey, I love you."
Trey's heart skips a beat and a soft smile forms on his face upon hearing the words he never thought he would from the other man.
"I love you too, y/n." Trey responds softly, but with his love burning passionately in his chest.
The Prefect then moves his chair so they're side-by-side and leans his face towards Trey's, allowing him to happily close the distance between their lips.
'Best birthday present ever.' Trey thinks to himself.
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blues824 · 2 years ago
If requests are open and this request doesn't cross your boundaries, may I request a scenario on Heartslabyul squad finding out their Vice Housewarden being engaged/romantically involved to a mermaid!reader? If its not too much can reader also not be Yuu? It's okay if you don't follow that =D
Thank you for the effort, enthusiasm, and hard work you put in to these posts and I hope this request is alright in your list!
I set the bar low when it came to rules, so this doesn’t violate anything lol. Gender-neutral reader, but is called a ‘mermaid’.
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Riddle Rosehearts
So, you were a member of the little friend group that he had when he was younger, and you were there to comfort him when he was sad through your wonderful singing voice. Yes, he was aware that you were a mermaid. However, he saw that you were closer to Trey than to anyone else. You even held hands before marriage, which was almost unspeakable for him.
But he wasn’t aware that the two of you were engaged until he noticed a notification on his Vice Housewarden’s phone many years later. It was a text from ‘My Fiance ❤️’, and Riddle almost died from surprise. He shouted, “you have a fiance??”, and Trey was acting all nonchalant as he explained that the two of you had made a promise to each other that once you both turned 18, you would be with a ring on your finger.
When you had gotten permission to visit NRC, the Housewarden was very excited to see his old friend. However, it made him flustered when you spotted the baker and gave him a kiss… on the lips. Bro squeaked something out about his virgin eyes and that you and Trey should keep affection for behind doors.
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Trey Clover
He had met you when you waltzed into his family’s bakery one day, wet hair and wet clothes as you asked for the sweet-smelling treat that was on display. As cliche as it is, it was love at first sight for the young boy. He brought you the treat and sat with you and asked you a bunch of questions. This is when he learns that you are a mermaid and your family had recently moved to the Queendom of Roses and you had just gone swimming.
From that point on, your families got really close and encouraged your friendship, and even eventual relationship. The two of you even made a promise once you found out that Trey had been accepted to NRC and you wouldn’t see each other often that you both would be engaged once you guys had turned 18. He most definitely kept that promise once you visited in his second year, and you went home with a ring on your finger.
When you had visited again in his third year, you were formally introduced to everyone (aside from Riddle, who already knew you). The entire time, you basically stuck by the baker’s side, and Yuu pointed out that it reminded them of the story of the Baker and his Spouse. You were confused since you had never heard of that tale (pun intended if you understand), but it was good all the same.
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Cater Diamond
This man had no idea who you were, and he walked into the Heartslabyul kitchen just to see you and Trey kissing each other. He snapped a picture and rushed back outside as he posted said picture with the caption: TREY HAS A SECRET LOVER?! Needless to say, the Vice Housewarden had gotten the notification that Cater had posted something.
He was expecting a big reaction, but instead he had gotten a comment almost immediately from the baker saying, ‘I guess you could say that. They’re my fiance haha.’ Cater just about spit out his tea all over Riddle and literally let out a weird squeak of confusion. The Housewarden asked what was wrong and he showed him the comment, and he had the remnants of a smile as he explained the promise once made between you and Trey.
Once the Unbirthday Party was over, he actually introduced himself to you and asked if you would forgive him for posting a picture without your consent. You smiled as you forgave him, and the two of you actually became great friends. He asked a few questions about yours and Trey’s relationship, and he was squealing at how adorable your story actually was.
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Ace Trappola
He saw Cater’s post but didn’t have time to look at it, for fear of being late to the Unbirthday Party. So, he sat down at his spot and saw that you and Trey were sitting next to each other, and you had one hand in the Vice Housewarden’s and your other hand had a ring on it, you could see the question marks pop up around his head.
There were many whispers, but it eventually got out that you were Trey’s fiance. Bro let out the loudest gasp of shock, and Riddle questioned what was wrong. He was embarrassed, but he was genuinely surprised that the baker was engaged. But with your displays of affection, he felt low-key envious because he peaked in middle school when it came to rizz.
Nah but for real, he will definitely ask Trey for some dating advice because the last relationship he had was in middle school. It was a very awkward conversation, but you offered some help and explained that your soon-to-be husband had in Ed you with the respect you deserved and even made it romantic
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Deuce Spade
Ace actually made him late because he got into an argument with Grim and the former delinquent had to hold the former back from getting into a physical fight. But, as he and Ace finally sat down for the Unbirthday Party, he saw that you and Trey were sitting next to each other. Whispers were going about, but none were confirmed.
But, Riddle stood and announced that they had a special guest amongst them, and asked for you to stand and give a small wave before you sat back down. Once he heard that you were the fiance of the Vice Housewarden, he too let out a gasp of shock, but a small one. Then he remembers that Trey is 18, so he assumes that you are 18 as well.
Your story was actually adorable, and he asked a bunch of questions about you. He was surprised to hear that you were a mermaid and that you did not make it into NRC, better yet that you had stayed with your boyfriend (now fiance) throughout all your years of college. But you became a good friend to all of Heartslabyul.
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rel124c41 · 8 months ago
WALT DISNEY WORMDOG I. jade leech/oc
please contact your local doctor if you are experiencing the following symptoms: prophetic dreams, the feeling that someone is calling from across the water and from across the wave, midnight visitors, scars from sand, new friendships, black blood coming out your ears but NOT your nose, inhuman strength, canine teeth on your throat, & the philosophy that we should move on from our past and never let it hold us back from the possibilities of tomorrow.
a/n: a midnight conversation after jamil’s overblot
tags: blood and injury, oc is from the x reader called ‘the look on your face’, & established relationship
word count: 1996
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“Hot, hot, hot, hot.”
“So you’ve griped.”
“Hot, hot, hot, hot.”
“Really, I would have never imagined.”
Panting like a mutt, molten lava on his draped tongue, the Ramshackle Prefect turns around to the vice-housewarden who has been following him like a duckling. He tries to mold his expression into something serious, something vexed. It is like trying to push melting ice-cream back into a sphere.
So, features wilting right back into that heat-stricken expression, the Ramshackle Prefect marches right back on to his destination. If Octavinelle’s vice wants to play his part as a mosquito in this Sahara-esque dorm, let Jade have his fun. There is something Marion needs to do.
For the first time in three days, his hand finally breaks contact with his sword’s handle.
White calluses on his tan hand are as prominent as fresh tattoo ink. The indents and intricate carvings have meshed themselves into his hand. You could mistake them for his palm’s natural creases if not for the single column of sigils upon feather-patterned horse-hoof pommel hilt. Damascus steel meets cobblestone.
Marion’s knees? They punch the cobblestone ground with an angry passion. Collapsing, he grips the edge of Scarabia’s pure gold fountain and ducks his head underwater.
An amused smile appears on Jade’s face. How truly unusual. Closing the distance, the eel-mer decides to take his own little respite too. After a battle and party, one should make time to unwind. Sitting on the edge of gold, Jade stretches out his legs and leans his head back to observe Marion’s nape. “You know, if you were so dehydrated, I’m certain Kalim could have assuaged your plight by making you a personal rain-cloud.”
It takes a while until Marion resurfaces. When he does, rivulets of water jump in shooting-star-leaps over the tips of his ebony hair. He runs a hand through the wet mop. It is considerably less hair than he had when entering Scarabia four days ago; before winter break, his hair was shoulder length and now it is chin length.
Through the stubborn strands that curtain his face, Marion groans , “This place is even hotter than Savanaclaw. Ugh, how is that even possible?”
“Did you not hear my suggestion?”
“Hmm?” Marion has taken to dipping his battered hands into the crystal clear water. The water’s weightlessness feels heavenly,
“I said, why not ask for the help of Kalim’s Unique Magic or perhaps a dip in the oasis?”
It is a relatively easy question to answer, but Marion reflects on the situation. How he had waited until he was sure Grim was dead to the world, stomach full of sleep-inducing food, and double-checked Ace and Deuce’s rooms. Stood outside Scarabia’s vice’s bedroom, trying to listen through the door’s cracks if Jamil’s measured breaths were from real sleep or a facade. Then, a lighthouse yellow eye bloomed in the comfortable dark Marion had been stalking in and Marion allowed him to follow.
The only reason he is able to relax now is because Jade said: (“I slipped something in the tea.”
“You did?” Marion asks, pulling back from the guest room Deuce is slumbering in. “What was it?”
“A heavy sedative. Something from the fungi kingdom that I doubt even Jamil could recognize the taste of. Come, let’s go.”) And that had assured him everyone would be comatose in a deep dream. So, after ignoring it for so long, Marion is able to treat his consistent, four day long heatstroke.
As to the response to Jade’s inquiry, it is: “Didn’t like the idea of taking my eyes off them.”
It had been Grim that texted Ace and Deuce for a rescue; Marion had been opposed firmly. Just as he had been opposed to the help of Azul Ashengrotto and his two, taller shadows.
“Hm,” Jade responds softly. He turns his burning gaze off to the side, towards the nebulous ebon that coats and suctions onto the exterior of Scarabian architecture. “Could’ve asked for my help.”
“Could’ve but didn’t,” Marion agrees as he rises to his feet. Completely ignorant that Jade is vexed.
He has still not taken off his steel-toed boots since this morning and it is now approaching midnight. Physicality rules heavily over sentimentality. An overblot for breakfast and lunch with a party for dinner and dessert. What a painfully busy day.
“Should’ve.” It seems Jade has gotten his fill of appreciating the building designs. Gold and olive-brown try to make an imposing dissect at green eyes but it falls short. It is really hard to ever look at the Ramshackle Prefect with any animosity.
Sand-dollar hued laces are pulled apart as Marion balances his foot on the fountain’s edge. He wiggles his foot out his boot and unfurls his white sock.
“Are you upset or suggesting something for the future? I think the only other hot dorm might be Ignihyde, but it's temperamentally hot and I manage fine there.” It is almost amusing to Jade how sincere that question is – almost. Jade watches as Marion hooks his other foot on the fountain’s edge, undoing the laces. He is just about to answer when Marion gets his left boot off. His white sock is soaked red.
“Huh, odd.”
Jade quirks an eyebrow at Marion’s monotone exclamation – if you could even call it an exclamation. Like two people waiting for the circus’s curtain to rise, they watch in tandem as the sanguinary-dyed sock is removed. Blood sticks to Marion’s thumbs, pulling it off. The sight causes both Marion’s and Jade’s eyes to pulse with interest.
“You know, I concur. Odd.”
“I didn’t even feel anything.”
“I would say that’s incomprehensible, but with your dance battle with Jamil and then the literal one with Ace and Deuce … I have no reason but to believe you.”
“Wonder if it happened because of the stone pillar.”
“Who knows. Wiggle it,” Jade instructs with barely contained, dangerous intrigue.
Marion tries to, but it is fruitless. His big toe is bent to the side with all the harsh angles of a broken stick. The best image to compare it to is the end of a hockey staff, one ridge turn away from being straight. In the red, you can see a tiny, snowy mountain cap of white which is the bone peeking out. The rest of his toes move just fine though.
“No use,” Marion declares, staring at his open fracture. By now, the blood that has not been absorbed into the sock starts to make dimes of red on gold.
With a pat to the fountain, Jade wordlessly instructs Marion to sit. A breath later, he hovers over the protruding wound with his magic pen, getting to work on a healing spell. As violet shimmers and skin rearranges itself, they go quiet with different ordeals on their mind.
It is just odd, the rawest definition of the word, that Jamil’s Unique Magic had not robbed Marion of his sword. Jamil had certainly tried as Marion remembers: “Why don’t you two stay here at Scarabia for winter vacation? Prefect, let me handle your sword; you can relax here.”
Under the hypnotist’s spell, Snake Whisper, he had followed each instruction down to the tiny word of relaxation, but his grip had never faltered from his sword.
I’m not immune to magic or overblots, Ramshackle Prefect thinks as he watches his big toe reverse and mend, but I didn’t once release my sword. If anything, he and his claymore glued themselves together after Jamil’s words for three whole days. Acting completely in reverse of what the magic-laced instruction was.
He treads his right leg back and forth in the fountain’s water, contemplative. It is in the past though, so perhaps it is fine to let it go. He sends a pensive look over his shoulder to his claymore, laying by the fountain, and decides it does not matter anymore. It will never phase him again unless the future calls for it to.
“You run so much hotter than everyone else,” Jade says as he places a hand over Marion’s neck. He knows there are no scent glands in humans but he still possessively lets his own scent diffuse into brown skin. Infects the pore with the sweat of himself, infects the already infected bloodstream.
“Mmmh, you remember when I head-butted Jamil twice during the fight?”
“I recall.”
“I did it because I was so dizzy from the heat. Needed to restart my vision and mind. The first was a test; the second one was intentional.”
“You have such a crude and amusing way of doing things.”
“Thank you. Not sure how you can stand this heat though. I think I’m melting,” Marion whines, leaning into Jade’s embrace.
“Being cold-blooded comes with a particular adaptability.
“How’s the Coral Sea?
“Rather cold and desolate.”
“That sounds great,” Marion moans, enthralled with the idea of pitch black, chilly landscape. “Take me there?”
“One day.”
The conversation lulls and Marion dips his now fixed foot into the fountain. His muscular arms hold the edge of the fountain behind him; the scars on his left arm made from Leona’s Unique Magic stretch with his deep breath. Scars travel down that arm like kintsugi pottery, lightning cracks of sand-hued wounds on a dark canvas.
It is a while of just basking in company before Jade breaks it.
“Why did you not let me or Floyd fight?”
Marion’s eyebrows raise curiously. “During the overblot, you remember, when you kicked both me and Floyd fifty feet away from the fight?” The smile on Jade’s face is predatory and wide, gleaming with all his acute enamels. Ah, that’s vexed!
“Hm, I just felt like I had it in the bag, was too in the moment to need help.”
“Yet you allowed Kalim to assist you,” Jade leans forward, showing more of his teeth.
Is it so bad that he wants to be the only one of the Ramshackle’s arsenal? The first character … the main of the player … selected in the game as Idia would say, right?
Rolling his options on his tongue like a piece of gum, Marion looks up at the squirting arches of the fountain. Water leaps in this beautiful, jetting motion. Everything about this place is a little hypnotic.
“You really want to know?” Jade’s expression gives away the answer clear as day.
Leaning close, he whispers, “you smell the best when you’re fighting for your life. Would’ve distracted me.”
Jade’s heart gives a dangerous lunge in his chest, overjoyed. Smiling, he glides his hand up until he is pinching the chin of the Ramshackle Prefect, puppeting him so his spine has to hunch yet his neck has to tilt up. Such a malleable clay structure for Jade to mold; something he will dip his fingers into only to discover there are blades hidden in the clay like razors in Halloween candy. What a treat, caramel and blood. Waiting to taste just about anything, Jade leans amorous … but —
Marion pulls back. “Nice try,” he congratulates, smiling at the frown on the vice-housewarden’s face.
“Don’t humans kiss at least after a life threatening situation? Even when wired on adrenaline earlier, you stubbornly refused.”
“Not this human. C’mon. I’m cooled down; let’s raid the kitchen.”
There is much more to discuss about Jamil’s overblot; about what is going to happen in the future; about them and their relationship. It is best to be done with petite interludes made by chowing down on some good food.
Ah, he supposes the taste of stolen food might be as appetizing as metaphorical caramel and blood. Marion always knows how to get his attention — the pinnacle distraction for the eel-mer has always been cooking. So, Jade puts his hand in the outstretched, scarred one.
“I’ll try later.”
“I know,” Marion says. He presses a kiss to the wrist of Jade’s hand that was just holding his magic pen and reversing his wound. “Let’s go steal some shit.”
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justanotherfanfolks · 3 months ago
A Cater Fan Incoherently Rambling About Cater Diamond Because oh lawd he’s comin’!
Uh, spoilers!
Caterrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!! Buddy, I knew it would be you! Chat, did you know Cater hasn’t gotten an SSR that isn’t one of a series everyone else features in since 2020? Aside from birthday cards and clubwears, the last SSR he has gotten was his Halloween card. A card that came out FOUR years ago. And did you know it’s the only one? He only has the one? He’s the character who’s gone the longest without one of these special cards. Jade was in the exact same boat until Octavinelle Book 7 came out. But that’s wild! I remember seeing people complaining that Cater kept getting all the SRs, especially since Trey wasn’t really getting anything, but my boy was just being compensated for his lack of SSRs! I now sit patiently for Jack’s next SSR, but that’s a tangent for another day. So from the moment we realized every dorm was getting special Book 7 cards for at least one character, my immediate thought was “Oh PLEASE let it be Cater!” I was so sure it would be Cater because of his lack of SSR cards coupled with the fact that- chat *holds you by the shoulders*. He’s SO interesting! I would’ve sacrificed one of my SSRs for a look into his brain! Trick King Cater, I’m so excited for what you have in store! 
I have discussed Cater in length twice before. Here and here. This is me typically talking about how The Cangst is Real (trademark). I stand by everything I said in these posts, if I were to retread this ground I would say the exact same things. So for a change, I’d like to step away from the Cangst a little and talk about some of the other things I like about Cater:
Ok, I know Cater’s putting on a show, but I LOVE his dialogue! I’m a chronically online individual who adds phrases I find funny to my vocabulary via osmosis, therefore I LOVE TWST EN! They perfectly captured how Gen Z people talk (in my opinion) and humor. Perfect example of this is Idia, but Cater is SO funny! One day, I’ll compile my favorite bits of Cater dialogue (“I’ve made my apology post on Magicam, so be sure to like and subscribe” and “Ugh, I do NOT like or subscribe to this, but fine!”). Like, I don’t know if my sense of humor is broken, but I am howling everytime I read lines like this! I usually don’t like it when people attempt to write the Social Media Teenager (they overdo the lingo and use it incorrectly, only ever take selfies and vlog), but from the moment I met Cater I knew he would be the exception. He’s not the social media character, he’s a character that uses social media. Distinct difference. The comedic intention is there in the dialogue, I can taste it. 
Cater and Trey. Heck yeah. I LOVE Cater and Trey’s dynamic! They are THE duo. They are THE besties. They are- *cough*, anyway! I love it when they interact, they are one of my favorite TWST pairings. They’re the Heartslabyul Vice Housewarden and the Vice Vice Housewarden (“There aren’t Vice Vice Housewardens-” shhhhhhhh), very prominent figures in the dorm. They were roommates for the two years before they became juniors, I’d love to see what that was like. I have this headcannon that they met during orientation and had what looked like the beginning of a beautiful friendship and Cater went “and I’ll never see him again! That’s for the best, can’t be getting too close to anyone!”. Then they got put in the same dorm. “I mean, it’s a big dorm. Not like we’ll overlap that much!” Then he got to his room. “Shoot!” But they’re so cute together! They have such good evergy, they know so much about each other. Trey knows his food preferences, Cater brings out the playful menace. They are always together, a pair, please do not separate. They match each other’s freak, they have the best friendly banter. Trey freaks out when he loses Cater, Cater’s out here flirting with the man, I love them. I love them so much. They are getting comped, mark my words! 
I will say, I was so disappointed that Trey doesn’t get to see Cater’s dream. He’s the one that wants to understand Cater the most. He’s got a sneaking suspicion about the Cangst. He called him his best friend, chaaaaat-! However, I eventually realized that when Trey learns about the other side of Cater, I want Cater to be able to consciously open up to him. I don’t want that agency taken away from him, what good will this do if he doesn’t get the choice. Cater doesn’t want to get close to people out of fear of how much the parting would hurt. But for him to learn how to open up to people again, he has to be the one to take the first step (“hey, what happened to laying off the Cansgt?” I’m sorry, it’s baked into his character!) I’d still love it if Trey got to see his dream, but I think this will lead to something better.
Cater and the rest of Heartslabyul. Maybe I just love Heartslabyul, but everyone’s dynamics are just 10/10. He’s supportive and friendly with the freshies, Deuce and Ace. Ace literally says in his Union Birthday vignette if he could pick from within the dorm, he’d pick Cater as an older brother! Fun fact, when I first saw everyone, if you asked me who were siblings and I didn’t have last names, I would’ve said that Cater and Ace were brothers. And Deuce gets along with him well, too! We got Halloween, they were so nice together! I’m pretty sure Deuce is going to bear witness to Trick King Cater, and I am so curious. Also, I love it when he trolls them. Like when he got them to paint the roses in Book 1, when he just dips out of the tart making, he’s really fun with them. They still have a positive view of the guy, no one’s gonna say no to more Cater time (except for the NPCs, but they have no taste).
And then there’s Riddle. Cater is, for lack of a better term, Riddle’s Vice Vice Housewarden. I’ve read so many fics where Cater and Riddle don’t get along and ?????? Don’t they? I really want to know how Cater got to be Vice Vice Housewarden. Was it because of his relationship with Trey? Did he just have the potential? Does it have something to do with the Housewarden Cater theory (omg that thing is WILD). I’ve always imagined the way they know each other is because Trey put in an effort to reconnect with Riddle after being able to get close after years, with Cater tagging along because he’s friends with Trey and “Oh yeah, I’m down to chill with this little freshie!” Trey calling Riddle to eat lunch with them, Cater asking “Who’s that?” “Oh just my childhood friend.” Trey tries talking to Riddle while Riddle watches the current Housewarden flagrantly breaking the rules. Cater sitting there contemplating “Childhood friend? What a wild concept. Heh, imagine having a childhood friend. No frame of reference found.” So for that first week, they hang out with Riddle, as Riddle slowly gets more annoyed with the Housewarden’s lack of effort in imposing the rules. All this culminates in him challenging the Housewarden. I have this funny visual of Cater posting on his Magicam story a selfie of him with the fight about to start behind him labeled “Housewarden Vs Our Freshie #Riddle4Housewarden”, maybe not actually expecting him to win but still being supportive. Cut to a few minutes later a shaky selfie of a shook Cater in front of the fight’s aftermath labeled “OH MY GOSH HE WON?! #HOUSEWARDENRIDDLEREAL?????” (wanted to draw this before I remembered I can’t)
Oh my gosh, I LOVE LOVE LOVE Riddle’s Dorm vignette, those two are peak in there. The visual of Riddle chasing Cater throughout Heartslabyul for not being able to memorize his 300 page notebook as Trey probably jumps in when they rush past him to save Cater and calm Riddle is simply incredible. And the fact that Cater talks about Riddle’s tutoring efforts fondly in Deuce’s vignette makes me really happy (the connectedness of the Heartslabyul dorm vignettes will always be famous). Also, it is so interesting to me that Riddle literally doesn’t do anything to Cater in Cater’s dorm vignette. His team is trying to tattle on him and Riddle just goes “Oh, hey Cater how’s it going? Keep up the good work.” When Riddle gets mad at the team for losing the list, but when the team pins the blame on Cater and tells Riddle to use his unique magic on him, he makes no move to do so? Doesn’t even have the angry face anymore? Knows exactly what Cater was planning with his Magicam? Like- are they right about the cronies thing? This is literally favoritism. And I love it! They’re friends. You can’t tell me they aren’t. You can’t tell me they don’t enjoy each other’s company. Book 7, PLEASE don’t throw my words back in my face! 
I love watching Heartslabyul combos. Like, when you get the three branches of Heartslaybul (Does the Trey, Cater, Riddle trio have a name?) together, OH I love it! They eat lunch together, love that for them.
Pop Music Club, MY FAVORITE CLUB! Lilia, Kalim, and Cater are such a perfect trio, whoever came up with it needs a raise. They’re chill. They’re chaotic. They aren’t getting anything done. Peak behavior. I eat up every scene they have together. Lilia’s ceremonial robes vignette is peak. They featured in the Cangst vignette (halloween). The fact Cater and Lilia are friends is making me vibrate with Book 7, I really hope they touch on it more. Cater, king of moving and leaving people behind, NEEDS to do something of importance, he can’t have this kind of lore and relationship with Lilia only to do nothing. I wonder if that’s a reason he gets a card. 
His cards are very aesthetic. He slays in everything. He has such 10/10 vibes in all the art. They didn’t give him any SSRs cause they couldn’t handle him!
He slayed so hard in Book 2. Yuu and Grim would’ve gotten no where if Cater wasn’t there. Even with just Riddle, they probably wouldn’t have even known where to start gathering intel. He was instrumental to the counterattack. I saw someone reblog a post I once made saying “Oh, I forgot Cater was in Book 2.” That made me so sad, he slay-slayed so hard, put the respect on his name!
Chat, have you seen the mangas? Chat! Have you SEEN the mangas! He. is. So. Cool! The way he pulls out split card is so cool! When his clone jumped in front of Deuce, my jaw dropped. That look he gives Leona after he reveals his role in the plan, especially after that match they played earlier in the story- going feral.
Don’t even get me started on the novels. I LOVE THE NOVELS SO MUCH! The novels are my favorite version of the canon, they add so much, they’re written so well, they’re literature aka my favorite storytelling medium! He gets stuff! He gets STUFF! They need to translate the second one yesterday!
So the above is a bunch of scattered Cater ramblings I wrote a couple of hours ago because the Cater brainrot came back (if you know you know). I just felt like I needed to speak before the Heartslabyul update. This is the calmer version of me! I’m not reading this back, I have no idea what that person who wrote it said. I think any typos give this post some personality (throws glitter). But yes I am very excited about this latest update! Cater is one of my favorite characters in TWST and I can’t wait to see what Book 7 has in store for us! 
Cater, don’t you dare cry on me! I’m an avid preacher of the Cangst, but I don’t know if I’ll be able to handle it if you do!
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bun-lapin · 1 year ago
Hello I am not the same person who asked for the game night with the freshmen. But I really injoied it. Can u make a part 2./ gen pos
Hello and thanks for the request! I'm so glad you liked the first one! I loved writing the 'hanging out with your buddies' mood of this prompt. Really brought back a lot of fun memories from my high school days~! Hope it's ok that they're playing a different game this time and that I tweaked the rules a bit to fit the story better. I also tried out a slightly different formatting due to the extra dialogue <3
Game night part 1: link here
CW: humor, platonic friendship, silly time
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First Years Game Night: part 2
Walking into the lounge with a broom and dustpan in hand, you take in the chaotic scene of spilled popcorn on the floor, countless empty cans of juice scattered around the room, and your fellow first years excitedly shouting and running all over the place. You stride over to where Grim is lounging on a cushioned chair and hand him the cleaning tools with a stern look. He reluctantly takes the broom from you and sighs, “Yeah, yeah I got it. My mess, my job to clean it up.” He halfheartedly begins cleaning and you turn to face the rest of the group as Ace begins speaking.
“Alright everyone!” Ace shouts and everyone settles down. “Time for our next game which is: Who am I?” He holds up a small box of folded paper scraps and shakes it. “I just finished writing the names and the overall category is important people on campus. So basically housewardens, vice housewardens, staff, you get the picture. The teams have been reshuffled and you’ll have one minute to ask as many ‘yes or no’ questions as you can to your partner to figure out who you are. Everyone understand?” He grins as everyone nods their head. “Sweet! Let’s get this game started then!”
Round 1: Ace ❤️ and Deuce ♠️
Ace stands with his back to the group as Deuce fishes out a random name from the box. He sticks the paper to Ace’s back with some tape and then walks over to stand facing him. The rest of the first years stand behind Ace and read the name on his back. Epel tries not to burst out laughing when he sees the name ‘Vil Schoenheit’.
Ace: Am I a housewarden? Deuce: Yes. Ace: Sweet! That narrows it down to like seven people! Ace: Am I rich? Deuce: What!? How would I even know something like that?! Jack: The rules state you can only answer yes or no! Deuce: (He thinks really hard as many seconds go by) ...Yes? Ace: Do I put a lot of care into my appearance? Deuce: Yeah! Ace: Am I a hard worker? Deuce: Yes. (You hear Epel sigh very tiredly next to you.)
Ace suddenly yells out, “I got it! I’m Azul Ashengrotto!” The timer rings out.
As Ace checks the paper on his back, everyone sits in stunned silence thinking about how Vil and Azul share a surprising amount of characteristics.
Round 2: Jack 🐺 and Sebek 🐊
Jack tapes his selected name to Sebek’s back and then swiftly takes his place facing his teammate. Everyone else leans in to read the paper and then immediately hold their sides with silent laughter as they see the name ‘Malleus Draconia’ taped to Sebek’s back.
As soon as the timer is started, Sebek begins shouting a stream of questions without leaving a single pause for Jack to answer back.
Covering his ears with his hands, a pained grimace on his face, Jack yells back, “Stop! Stop! My hearing is way more sensitive than anyone else here! Plus, you’re going too fast for me to even answer!”
Sebek begins yelling in a slightly reduced volume about how speed is of the essence and the last team lost because they ran out of time. The timer continues to tick away and Jacks yells over Sebek’s voice, “Our time’s almost out! Ask something!”
Sebek shouts, “Alright! Fine! Am I Lord Mal-” The timer’s ringing cuts him off.
The rest of the room dies laughing while Jack and Sebek start arguing and throwing couch cushions at each other.
Round 3: Epel 🍎 and Grim 🐱
Epel tapes the name to Grim’s ribbon (because the tape doesn’t stick very well to his fur) and then stands facing him. The rest of the group raise their eyebrows in mild surprise as everyone reads the name ‘Dire Crowley’ on the paper. Making sure Grim can’t hear, Ace starts a bet about whether or not he’ll be able to guess in time. You’re the only one to wager in favor of Grim.
Grim: Am I a member of the staff? Epel: Yes! Grim: Am I well dressed? Epel: Uhh... (He looks towards you and, making sure no one is looking, you slightly nod at Epel) Yes? Grim: Am I good at my job? Epel: (He looks at you again but this time the rest of the group are watching you like hawks) ...Yes?
Grim laughs and jokes, “Well if I’m good at my job, there’s no way I’m Crowley, right?” Grim sees the expression on Epel’s face and shouts, “Wait! Epel! Am I Crowley!?”
The timer rings and you collect your winnings from the bet as Grim yells at Epel that his opinion of the headmaster is too high.
Round 4: Ortho 🤖 and You 🦐
As you stand with your back to your friends, you hear Ortho grab a piece of paper from the box and then you feel him tape it on your back. You raise an eyebrow in fierce curiosity as you hear everyone burst out laughing behind you.
You: Am I a member of the staff? Ortho: No. You: Am I a vice housewarden? Ortho: No.
You silently celebrate because with those two questions, you realize you must be a housewarden. There are only five people you could be because Vil and Malleus have already been selected.
You quickly go through the list of remaining housewardens, leaving enough of a pause for Ortho to respond, and ask if you’re each one. Ortho responds ‘No’ to each question.
You pause with intense confusion, trying to remember if you’ve left a name off the list. While you’re thinking, the timer rings and you rip the paper off your back to read the answer.
Everyone else in the room falls to the floor with laughter as you read the piece of paper with your name on it. You smile and laugh along with your friends, feeling just how important you are to this close knit group of first years.
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qq-quartz · 11 months ago
The Star, To You 17 Years Old
Characters: Trey and Riddle (can be seen as romantic or platonic)
I wanted to put tears in a bottle, empty bottles filled up with your tears
Che’nya Had been the one who initially thought of asking Riddle to play with them, Trey just went along with his plan. It’s not like Trey was opposed to the idea, in fact he was excited at the prospect of having a new friend, he just never thought about asking the boy before. Despite his initial hesitancy Riddle agreed to play with them and in just an hour they became the best of friends. Their time together seemed never ending and the bonds they created would’ve lasted an eternity if only the fates hadn’t cut their time short.
The last time they saw each other didn’t go well, Riddle's mother had found out about her son’s escapades and sought to punish not only Riddle but Trey and Chen’ya as well. She spouted Vitriol at the Clovers, something about daring to fill her son's head with nonsense? Trey couldn’t help but block out Mrs. Rosehearts voice at the sight of Riddle, he had heard of the lengths she would go to make Riddle as perfect as possible but this was the first time he had witnessed the pain it caused his dear friend. He seemed almost hysterical, trying to put the blame on himself so Trey wouldn’t hate him. It made Trey want to hold onto the young boy and tell him everything would be alright, they would get to play together again one day. Despite his strong feelings he was glued to the spot unable to do anything but stare at his friend. The face of the crying boy would only serve to haunt him for the years they weren’t allowed to see each other. Trey could only hope he was doing alright without them.
I Wanted To Hold A Warm Hand, Your Cold Hands And Your Heart
He didn’t expect to see him at NRC. Trey knew it was a prestigious school but he figured Mrs. Rosehearts would’ve sent Riddle elsewhere. It was strange to see him like that. He was so different Trey was almost inclined to believe it was a stranger parading around in his old friend's skin. He was the pinnacle of perfection, his uniform was tailored to size and neatly pressed, he woke up and fell asleep at the same time, and his grades were the best in the whole school. It wasn’t surprising to find out that Riddle had become Heartslabyul’s housewarden but what was surprising was Riddle’s proposal to become his vice housewarden, “You’re the only person I could trust to do a good job” was his explanation. Trey, seeing this as a way to connect with his old friend, readily agreed, promising to always be by his side.
 Seeing the effects of his mother up close was a frightening thing. Dorm members would often come to him complaining about Riddle and his unforgiving rules and even harsher punishments. It was in those instances, where Riddle was punishing a poor student for laying the wrong table cloths, that he resembled his mother to a startling degree. As Vice Housewarden he knew he had to say something but as Riddle's friend he knew that saying something would crush him. He made a promise to protect Riddle to the best of his abilities and if that meant sacrificing the comfort of his dorm mates so be it. And so when some poor soul would look his way, begging for a lesser punishment, he would look the other way hoping that one day Riddle might see that what he’s doing is crushing both of them.
Even As Time Flows, Don’t Forget The Painful You At 17
Trey was weak, he knew that all too well, but to see his best friend suffer through an overblot made him feel like he was that same helpless kid being yelled at. The first years were right. While he knew Riddle’s overblot was mainly caused by his mother’s treatment Trey couldn’t help but blame himself the most. Trey was an idiot to believe simply letting Riddle be would somehow fix him, he was simply afraid that confronting Riddle would shatter the small friendship they had managed to build up. He had acted selfishly and this was the result. Seeing Riddle peacefully sleeping in the nurse's office he decided to make one final promise. “I’ll make sure I can be someone you can rely on not only as Vice Housewarden but as a friend. You don’t have to be alone anymore.”
Cry As Much As You Want To Cry, These Sorrowful Days Will Someday Help You
Authors note: Schools got me fu so sorry for not posting ( ╥ω╥ ) Anyways this fic was actually inspired by NASTYONA's song of the same name! It's really good so I really recommend checking out her music>_<
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Headcanons I Probably Overexplain - Cater Edition Part 2!
Cater was the housewarden before Riddle. Did he really want the position? No. But being housewarden gave him some comfort in that he was "necessary", so he couldn't leave or be made to leave before his time was done. Obviously being at school gave him a bit of a safety net in that it didn't matter if his family had to move, he still had a dorm at NRC, but being housewarden was just a bonus in that he felt like...even if his mom tried to drag him along in her shenanigans, she couldn't. It was something to be proud of too, even if the only person at home who kind of cared was his big sister, but it made him feel good about himself. In his first year, he mostly spent his time hesitantly, but slowly building a friendship with Trey, something he felt could be real. Trey was his right hand man and encouraged him to take on the old dorm leader. The fact he had someone on his side for once was more than enough for him to not only want to take over, but make Heartslaybul a more lively and relaxed place for people to enjoy themselves. Traditions and rules were still very much in place, but punishment for error was rarely more than a simple reminder or a small reprimand. Cater was well loved as housewarden, and he knew it. And he loved feeling...loved. Which was why when Riddle showed up, everything started to spiral. At first, it seemed that Trey would be an easy in to make another friend, but that hope was squandered when Trey approached him, asking him to give up the very position he had encouraged him to take. Just for clarification, Trey never intended for things to go this way, he genuinely didn't believe Riddle's mother would let him go anywhere without her. However Cater never got this information. 'Riddle Needs That Position and Riddle Will Do Amazing and Riddle Wont Back Down Until He Gets It and Riddle Will Be At His Mothers Mercy If He Fails and clearly your mother doesn't care how you end up (subtext)' was the sum of what Cater heard from Trey, but if it wasn't enough to hear that and agree to the battle once he learned what Riddle's UM was, Trey asked him to take it easy on him. While the position meant a lot to Cater, so did having a friend. While Riddle's magic could have been fairly easy to evade using multiple clones, he put up much less of a fight than he could have. It wasn't until Riddle was dormleader that he realized that it was all for nothing. Trey was appointed vice housewarden still, loyal only to Riddle it seemed. Cater was still the person many underclassmen came to talk to, to look for support and assistance, which was nice in a way, but the title never meant as much as having a friend did, and after the feelings of betrayal set in, he found it difficult to want to make more friends, and distanced himself slightly from Trey. Not enough that Trey wouldn't see him as a friend still, but enough to keep himself from spiraling.
He has no hard feelings towards Riddle, he is well aware that everything that happened was between him and Trey alone, but it still hurts sometimes, you know? Especially in his last year physically at the school, it would have been nice to leave with at least one, genuine, good friend.
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